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Letter from Presidents of AACO:3 important websites and 20th AACO 2020


Dear AACO Board Members,

We hope this email finds you all well. It is a great honor to have you serve as the Board Members of the Afro-Asian Council of Ophthalmology (AACO). As you all know, AACO was founded in Egypt in 1958 and is the oldest supranational ophthalmic academic organization spanning across Africa and Asia. Now as we have entered 2020, this is an exciting time for all of us as we continue to grow and inject new blood into AACO. 

As the Presidents, Prof T Mokbel, Vice President and I, and Secretary General, Prof T Mamoun, and Treasurer, Prof M Morshed are very delighted to work with you all to further promote AACO prosperity and development. 

First, it is a great pleasure to share with you that three following important websites that will release AACO related news have been built up and will go into service. Please visit them and let us know your further suggestions. It would be great if you would disseminate them to your colleagues or societies. 
AACO Official Website:
AACO 2020 Website:
AACO Asia Office Website: 

The 20th Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology (AACO 2020) is to be held from December 2-6, 2020, in Lahore, Pakistan. This 20th AACO is bound to be a grand event for African and Asian ophthalmologists.
The preparation work is now underway for their effort and organization of the Ophthalmological Society of Pakistan (OSP). We warmly welcome your valuable participation in the event. 

We aim to make it the most influential ophthalmic academic conference, hoping to reflect the advanced nature and universality and to suit the characteristics of Afro-Asian countries as much as possible.       

Also it has been a while since we discussed AACO future and developments last. But we will get again in AACO Board Meeting, Lahore.

Let's get together in Lahore, Pakistan - Land of Civilizations on December 2-6, 2020.  “Uniting, Sharing, Progressing”!
Prof Lezheng Wu, MD               Prof Dr Tharwat Mokbel
President of AACO                  Vice President of AACO
  • Address: Room 106-110, Floor 1, Building 1, Chuangyi Avenue,  No.10-20 Taihegang Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China

